Mother Sponge

We work with Mother Sponge on monthly beer label updates for their clients. We name flavors and create color palettes for Unsung. For Newtopia's holiday flavors, we created original patterns inspired by the ingredients.

Psionic Series

We picked out colors and names for these new flavors of Unsung's Psionic Series.


  • Naming

  • Color Palette 

  • File Production

Supernatural Hazy Series

We picked out colors and names for Unsung's Supernatural Hazy Series.


  • Naming

  • Color Palette

  • File Production

Chai Me A River Remix - Gingerbread

We created a holiday-inspired pattern and color palette for Newtopia's Gingerbread special release can. 


  • Pattern

  • Color Palette

  • File Production

Chai Me A River Remix - Mexican Hot Chocolate

We created a Mexican-inspired pattern and color palette for this special release can from Newtopia Cyder. 


  • Pattern

  • Color Palette

  • File Production

Designed with creative direction and templates from Mother Sponge. Product images from Newtopia and Unsung Brewing

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Let's create something neat!

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Let's work together!

Let's create something neat!

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Made by Pals in Framer